Friday, November 12, 2010

Good Bye Bully

Ok, so tonight I had an incident. A incident that probably changed other people's view on who I am.

A friend of mine, whom I shall call Rosanne, locked out another friend, whom I shall call Timmy, out of the house in the cold. Mind you it wasn't that cold out, but it was cold enough for him to shiver. Rosanne and another friend, Jackie, wouldn't let Timmy in because they wanted him to 'learn a lesson'.

Timmy is from another country, he travelled quite a bit to different countries before settling here in Canada. However he only have been here for 2 years. His culture is different than Canadian's culture. So he has quite a bit to learn about Canada, the culture, the English language, ASL, and mannerism.

Because he is still learning the proper behaviour for different situtations, there has been cases where he doesn't act the best way, and in those cases, Rosanne, Jackie, and many other friends try to "teach him". How? By yelling at him, getting angry at him, hitting him, acting snobby to him, belittling him etc. In my word, Bullying. I'm new here to this city. I just met Timmy, so I'm still learning about him but I can see how the others are treating him from outside their circle, and to be frank, it's not nice at all. I don't agree with their method at all.

Tonight, it happened again. Like I said earlier, Timmy was locked out because he was not 'behaving', he was locked out for a good half an hour, and I was told not to let him in until another friend arrived, which would probably take another 10 or 20 minutes. But I ingored them and I went to get him, I felt bad for him. So I let him in. What do I get? Roseanne and Jackie are both angry at me because I let him in. Can you believe that?

They asked me why I let him in, I said, he had enough, he was outside long enough. Rosanne said she didn't care and that he needed to learn. I told her bluntly that what she was doing was bullying. She said I don't care, and she walked away.

Jackie asked me next, she mentioned that Roseanne told me not to let him in, I told her the same thing I told Roseanne, that it was bullying and it's not right. She also walked away and went upstair.

Roseanne later came down and said she was not mad at me.

My point is, with the recent situations with bullying toward gay teens and the suicides. Bullying is NOT OK. Bullying hurt people in every way, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

While I hate to admit, I was a former bully. I bullied a classmate in high school. I feel bad about it now and regret it. I know what it's like to be bullied. I was bullied, and it was a horrible feeling to be bullied. I wish I was grown up enough not to turn to being a bully when I was angry at her, but I wasn't, I was immature.

But I am not going to let those friend bully Timmy. He may have issues, but he's learning. I don't believe that bullying is the answer, and it will not teach him anything.

I think I will do a vlog 'It Gets Better' soon.

Thanks for reading.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Today in class I had to do a project which I had worked on over the break. I had to read a short story and then come up with 10 to 15 questions to ask my group relating to the story, they had to be questions that make them think and they are not yes or no questions either. When I came up with the questions, I was to write them down and type them out to hand out to each students in my group. Then I had to lead a seminar for my group about the story. It's funny how life work. The story is called "Am I Blue? Coming out of Silence" written by Marion Bauer. It's about a boy who is being bullied and he gets a bit of help from his fairy godfather. A good LGBT short story. Anyway, the point is I enjoyed being the leader. It like teaching. I always had enjoyed any types of teaching type activities even from the time I was little. I loved playing school and teaching imaginary students. I would make actual worksheets and homeworks for my imaginary students. I would talk to them like I was a teacher and I scolded them like a teacher too. It was my favourite playtime activity. When I got a bit older, I actually took it to the next level by tutoring my two good friends and roommates at the time, I would make sheets and tutor them after school or during the bus ride home. Admittedly I was embarrassed too because I thought that people would think it was lame.

That is why I wanted to be a teacher, I had wanted to be a teacher since I was little, but my interests changed over the year and the list got longer and longer of potential career choices for me. Including Veterinarian. However teaching has never gone off that list. Going to school for General Arts and Science, which is a program for.... get this.... general education. It has a broad various of courses that I have to take to get a certificate to go into college for another program or diploma to go into university. I quickly realized science is not my thing. So I gave up my veterinarian dream quickly and decided that I will love my animals from my own home instead of an clinic. My thoughts once again came back to being a teacher again, so I felt like I wanted to teach. However that was last year. This year I transferred to GBC, and starting all over again with the GAS program (long story short, I failed two courses and could not proceed to second year and I wanted to go to school so I decided to take first year again). However I am starting to lose interests in school again, and am thinking of becoming an ECE instead of a teacher because I didn't want to go to school for the next 7 years. Today's class might have changed that once again. I feel inspired again to try and go for teaching. I like the feeling of teaching kids and helping them learn how to read or how to write a proper English sentence. Even if today's class was a group of college students it made me realize what I want to do. So as of today I want to be a teacher, but next week that could change. :-)